Predicates and Functions


A predicate is like a programming function that returns a boolean. While they are a special case of Alloy functions, they are more fundamental to modeling and addressed first.

Predicates take the form

pred name {

Once defined, predicates can be used as part of boolean expressions. The following is a valid spec:

sig A {}

pred at_least_one_a {
  some A

pred more_than_one_a {
  at_least_one_a and not one A

run more_than_one_a


Predicates and functions cannot, in the general case, be recursive. Limited recursion is possible, see here for more info.


Predicates can also take arguments.

pred foo[a: Set1, b: Set2...] {

The predicate is called with foo[x, y], using brackets, not parens. In the body of the predicate, a and b would have the corresponding values.

Receiver Syntax

The initial argument to a predicate can be passed in via a . join. The following two are equivalent:

pred[x, y, z]
x.pred[y, z]


Alloy functions are equivalent to programming functions. They have the same structure as predicates, but also return a value:

fun name[a: Set1, b: Set2]: output_type {


if a function is constant (does not take any parameters), the analyzer casts it to a constant set. This means if we have a function of parameter

fun foo: A -> B {

Then ^foo is a valid expression.


Predicates and functions may be overloaded, as long as it’s unambiguous which function applies. The following is valid:

sig A {}

sig B {}

pred foo[a: A] { --1
  a in A

pred foo[b: B] { --2
  b in B

run {some a: A | foo[a]}

As when foo is called, it’s unambiguous whether it means (1) or (2). If we instead replaced sig B with sig B extends A, then it’s ambiguous and the call is invalid.

Overloading can happen if you import the same parameterized module twice.For example, given the following:

open util/ordering[A]
open util/ordering[B]

sig A, B {}
run {some first}

It is unclear whether first applies to A or B. To fix this, use Namespaced imports:

open util/ordering[A] as u1
open util/ordering[B] as u2

sig A, B {}
run {some u2/first}

Parameter Overrides

The parameters of a function (or predicate) can shadow a global value. In this case, you can retrieve the original global value by using @val.

sig A {}

pred f[A: univ, b: univ] {
  b in A  -- function param
  b in @A -- global signature


A fact has the same form as a global predicate:

fact name {

A fact is always considered true by the Analyzer. Any models that would violate the fact are discarded instead of checked. This means that if a potential model both violates an assertion and a fact, it is not considered a counterexample.

sig A {}

-- This has a counterexample
check {no A}

-- Unless we add this fact
fact {no A}


For facts, the name is optional. In addition, the name can be a string. So this is a valid fact:

fact "no cycles" {
  all n: Node | n not in n.^edge

Implicit Facts

You can write a fact as part of a signature. The implicit fact goes after the signature definition and relations. Inside of an implicit fact, you can get the current atom with this. Fields are automatically expanded in the implicit fact to this.field.

sig Node {
  edge: set Node
} {
  this not in edge

This means you cannot apply the relation to another atom of the same signature inside the implicit fact. You can access the original relation by using the @ operator:

-- undirected graphs only
sig Node {
  , edge: set Node
  all link: edge | this in link.edge -- invalid
  all link: edge | this in link.@edge -- valid


A macro is a similar to a predicate or function, except it is expanded before runtime. For this reason, macros can be used as part of signature fields. Parameters to macros also don’t need to be given types, so can accept arbitrary signatures and even boolean constraints. Macros are defined with let in the top scope.

let selfrel[Sig] = { Sig -> Sig }
let many[Sig] = { some Sig and not one Sig }

sig A {
  rel: selfrel[A]

run {many[A]}

See here for more information.